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SUN Cellular Network Settings for iPhone 3Gs


After 2 days of phone tweaking, I finally found the correct settings that I need to make my iPhone 3Gs work with Sun Cellular’s MMS and Internet Services. Tried looking at my Nokia 5530 settings but did not get the proper settings until I’ve read this blog entry by Aice Lahora. And I think I’ve seen her at school.. Big Grin

Anyways, here is the catch. If you have email accounts registered in your mail app, you will be using the internet service. Mind you, it will cost around 15 pesos (not sure of this pricing though) for every 30 minutes and a minute is rounded off to 30 minutes (this is how telecom companies in the Philippines does the rounding off, if teachers used the same way, nobody will ever fail!). For this reason, I usually set my Edge and 3G services off all the time, except when I travel and need to use my phone as a GPS navigator.

Disclaimer: Use these settings at your own risk, which is paying thousands of pesos to a monthly bill because of playing with your iPhone. As if the price of the iPhone is not enough!!!Laughing

The settings are as listed below. Also make sure that the SIM you are using with your iPhone is already able to send and receive MMS as well as access the Internet when used with a Nokia or any other handset. Before using these settings, disable 3G service in your Settings, unless you are living in a city where 3G network is available for Sun Cellular.

Sun Cellular Internet and MMS Settings for iPhone 3Gs

Cellular Data

APN: minternet

Username: none

Password: leave blank


APN: mms

Username: none

Password: leave blank


MMS Proxy:

MSS Max Message Size: leave blank


So that’s it. Turn off Wifi and leave Edge (or 3G if available) turned on. Try browsing in Safari. Also try sending an MMS message.

Hope this will be useful to those people who love their iPhone as I do.Peace Sign

Add: For those who want to activate their Voice Mail in iPhone 3Gs using SUN SIM, dial in your phone *5005*86*200# and press Call. Then try opening your Voice Mail, it should now ask you for the PIN.


Download iPhone/iPod Touch Firmware here!!!!


Here is a site where you can download, for FREE, iPod or iPhone firmware (ipsw file). It has the latest versions for both the iPhone and iPod, similar to what you can obtain if you would update your device using iTunes.

Aside from the free firmware download, the site also contain instructions on how to apply the firmware to your device.

Quick reminder to when using the firmware:

1. Use the firmware as exactly instructed in the site.

2. Make sure to identify your device properly so that you will download the right firmware. For the iPod touch and iPhone’s, make sure you know whether you have the first or second generations of the device. 1G is for the first generation iPhone and iPod and 2G for the second generation of the device.

3. Do note that when installing the firmware, you will loose all the data in your device. It would be better to perform a backup before doing the installation.

4. You can then jailbreak your iPod or iPhone after installing the firmware and doing the backup restore. The easiest way to jailbreak your device is by using blackra1n’s software.

5. If you want to go to the site where to download the firmware, just click the image above.


Configure GLOBE ADSL modem to work with almost any wireless/wired router

Globe-DSLMost Globe DSL subscribers complain the difficulty of setting up the ADSL modem to work with a wired or wireless router. Frankly, I had the same pain, took me more than an hour to configure everything properly, including the port forwarding options and DynDNS. So I’ve written a step by step guide on how to do this for you guys who’ve spent hours scouring the web to no avail.



I know you are eager to resolve your configuration issues but I encourage you to read the setup description below. It will give you an idea how things work. When you have everything figured out, I’m quite sure that the step-by-step guide will be easier to follow.

Hardware Setup. Above is a picture of my rig. As you can see, there are no ethernet cable attached to my wireless router except for my NAS (Network Attached Storage). Also, I’ve crimped a shorter cable to connect the modem (Ethernet port in the modem) to the wireless router (WAN port in the router). To make everything tidy, I used a mounting tape to stick the modem on top of my router and placed the rig behind a huge speaker. So, far, I haven’t experienced heating of both the modem and router as well as degraded data transfer rates even when the speaker in turned on. As I have configured quite a few of this rig, I’ve seen a router (Wireless N from Encore) that I immediately attached to the modem and everything worked like magic. Good thing for me the configuration went well without a glitch. If that’s what happened to you, you have the option to use or not this guide. But if you are experiencing internet connectivity and port forwarding issues you may continue reading and try the steps below.

Hardware Settings. The trick in configuring Globe’s ADSL modem to work with any wireless router in the market is to configure the darn thing properly. That means setting up the modem to use UPNP, setup the DCHP server (modem) to bind with the machine ID of your router to gain a Class 0 Static IP address for your router, and finally add the routers WAN IP Address to DMZ. This way, you will have to do the port forwarding in your router, not with the modem. For the router settings, you have to setup a Static IP for the WAN settings and use as the IP Address, for the Netmask, and for the Gateway and Primary DNS Server. As for the LAN settings of the router, use as the IP Address and Subnet Mask. And finally, you need to properly configure port forwarding in the router. This is for those you have special connectivity needs – p2p that is… Open-mouthed

Since the overview is done, it’s time to get to work. Now, I might not have presented everything clearly or even forgot some steps in this guide. If so, please post a comment in this blog entry. Everything is welcome here. Including comments in my grammar and typos.


Step-by-step Guide

  • Setting the Globe ADSL Modem
    1. You might receive a different modem model from what I have (which is an Aztech ADSL Modem) but the setup is almost entirely the same. You need first to plug the modem to your laptop or desktop using the ethernet cable (usually the yellow cord that came with the package) and establish an internet connection. That means you need to test whether you can access websites such that of Yahoo! and Google.
    2. Once you’ve established your internet connectivity to be Ok, it’s time to determine the IP address of your modem to enter to the web configuration option. By default, it’s But if want to determine if it’s really, you need to use the ipconfig /all command in the command prompt. Look at the DCHP Server address (which is most likely to be the same with the Default Gateway address), and that’s your modem’s IP address.
    3. Launch your web browser (Internet Explorer recommended) and type your modem’s IP Address followed by /globe. It should look like this: You can click on the link here and you should immediate see a web page asking for a Username and Password.
    4. Type Admin for the Username and 3UJUh2VemEfUtesEchEC2d2e for the Password.
    5. From this point of the tutorial, I will be using the web configuration of Aztech modem. You might have different configuration options than mine but what is important is for you to enable or complete the tasks set here. First task, setup UPNP. That would be in the Advanced tab then Applications and finally UPNP. Make sure to Enable this option for both the WAN and LAN connections.
    6. Next, we need to bind the machine ID of our router to the DHCP server (modem) so that the router will always be given the WAN IP Address of This will also enable the DMZ option for the next step. As to determining your routers machine ID, you might want to begin at the bottom of the router and in the documentation or the CD that came with it. The ID should look something like  00:B0:0D:51:B1:6A. If you can’t find it anywhere, you need to access your router’s web configuration page. To do that I recommend visiting the manufacturer’s site. There you will sure be guided in finding the machine ID of your device.
    7. Once you have the machine ID, open LAN then LAN Clients in the Advanced tab. Use in the IP Address and Manufacturer name of the router in the Hostname and finally the Machine ID in the MAC Address and click Apply.
    8. Once completed, we need to enable the DMZ Settings from the Application then Port forwarding options in the Advanced tab. The Port forwarding option will only be available in the first place if you have set at least one static IP address, if not, it will return an error, so don’t skip steps 6 and 7. Once in the DMZ Settings page, check Enable DMZ and select in the LAN IP Address option. Don’t forget to click Apply. Also, click Save Settings  at the top of the configuration page to commit these changes to the modem. If not, once the modem is rebooted, all your work will be lost.
    9. Just for checking, I’d encourage you to reboot the router after clicking Save Settings and double check everything if the changes we saved in the configuration page. If not, do the setup again. If you have successfully followed the instructions and was able to do everything correctly, then congratulations, you are done configuring your modem. Let’s proceed to your router.
  • Setting your wireless/wired router
    1. Here is the bloody part. For each manufacturer, different ways of configuring the router is available. I simply don’t have the luxury of going through each manufacturer’s web configuration so I’ll be outlining the the router’s WAN and LAN settings instead. You have to visit the website of your router’s manufacturer for the instructions on how to perform WAN and LAN setup for the router.
    2. Here, I am assuming that you have successfully logged in to your router’s web configuration page. The first thing you need to do is to set the internet connection mode, choose  Static IP for the mode. Use for the IP Address, for the Subnet Mask, for the Gateway and for the Primary DNS Server. Make sure to save these settings. So, why use Static IP? Why not use bridge mode or Assigned by DHCP? For one, this is the only way you can match your modem’s settings above. Secondly, when you do do port forwarding, you might have to do it in your modem and your router at the same time. And lastly, there are routers, like the ones manufactured by Belkin, that would allow you to monitor your internet connectivity within the router. If you use bridge mode, these monitoring capabilities won’t be available to you. Also, this will ensure that you will not have IP address conflict.
    3. Next, we need to setup the LAN Settings of your router. Use for the IP Address and for the Subnet Mask. Also, enable DHCP Server for your router. Save the changes you made.
    4. From here, you can configure Wireless Network Password from here or simply use a cable to connect your router. You can also skip the password setup and continue to next section.
  • Connecting the devices
    1. You are almost done. What needs to be done now is to connect the modem and the router.
    2. Using the ethernet cable, plug one end to the router in the WAN port and Ethernet port in modem.
    3. Plug the DSL line in your modem. Plug the power lines.
    4. Turn both the router and modem on. Wait for the light to be green and that you have a steady green or blinking green light in the Internet LED indicator of your modem.
    5. Connect to your router either wired or wireless.
    6. If you have done everything correctly you should be able to surf the web. As for the port forwarding, tutorial, I guess I need to place it in a separate blog entry. It’s Christmas you know… I need to rest my fingers… LoL

Hope this helps! Cheers  and Merry Christmas everyone!


Split large folders or files using WinRAR


Here is a tip for people who usually send large files through email, considering the 10 MB limit of attachments. What you can do with your files or folders larger than 10 MB is to split it into archives of 10 MB using WinRAR. Of course, before you try this guide, you need to install WinRAR in your pc. This is not to endorse WinRAR, but I just find the software to be better than the others I’ve used.

Step-by-step Guide

  1. Before you begin, download and install WinRAR first.
  2. Navigate to the folder containing the folder(s)/file(s) you want to send as an attachment.
  3. Right click on the folder(s)/file(s) and then select Add to archive.
  4. You will be given a window where you can rename the archive and most importantly, the option to split the archives into specific files sizes.
  5. Now instead of selecting from the combo box in the Split to volumes, bytes option, type 10485760 or 10000000 to specify that the entire folder(s)/file(s) you have selected be cut into 10 megabytes file size.
  6. When you click Ok, you will see a progress bar and that you will have several WinRAR archives of 10 MB size. You can then attached each of this to an email.
